13/08/2020 - Containers

By Huska Cehic

Buying shipping containers: What to expect from a used shipping container?

For many notable reasons, a second-hand shipping container can provide you the same way a brand-new one can, while saving a big fraction of the cost. Plus, they can be upcycled to other products, helping in the much-needed environmental conservation. Though, finding a good-quality used shipping container for sale can be difficult.
That is why we are here to help you out with this vital piece of information.

1. Get the best value for your money

At Affordable Containers, we can help you get the best value for your money by telling you – what to expect when buying a second-hand/used shipping container. With our industry know-how, we have compiled some crucial factors to keep in mind when you are looking for a shipping container for sale.

(1) The overall condition

The overall condition of the container is the prime factor is the first thing you should look at. Check the paint, the corner castings, the seals around the edges and the underside of the container. Also, make sure its underside that holds up the floor, is free from rust or corrosion.

(2) The perfect size

As there are two standard lengths for storage containers (20-footers and 40-footers), you should know which one you need. By understanding the purpose for which you need a used container, you can place yourself in a better position to select the right size. Also, consider its height, width and thickness.

(3) Budget friendly

What matters the most for many buyers in Melbourne and across Australia is the price. Well, it is actually the biggest deciding factor for them. From buying to delivery, a container can cost a significant amount of money. However, if you look in the right place, you are most likely to find a budget friendly shipping container. We advise you to always enquire about the cost of container and its delivery charges from the supplier.

(4) A reputed supplier

The supplier you are dealing with should be a reputed name in the business. Before deciding on the supplier of your shipping container, it’s a good idea to visit their depot and inspect their products. Buying used shipping containers is an investment decisions, so make sure your supplier is going to deliver on what is promised.

2. Final thoughts

In order to buy shipping containers, its not rocket science but its good to understand what you are looking for. With some research you can get a deal that you will be happy with. Need a shipping container for hire? Ask experts at Affordable Containers, a reputed shipping container supplier in Melbourne. Thanks for reading and enjoy container shopping!

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